
Not receiving our automated emails

Not receiving our automated emails?

When signing up to Otsukai, you should receive automated emails from [].
Please check the troubleshooting below if you are not receiving our automated emails.

Check your email address is correct

Please ensure that the email address you have used to sign up to Otsukai is correct.
If you have made any mistakes or typing errors, you will not be able to receive the confirmation email.

Check your junk/spam

There are cases where our emails have been automatically filtered into junk/spam/trash etc folders.
Please check your spam folders to confirm whether or not our emails have been sent there.

We also recommend you check your spam filter settings. You can find links on how to do so for the most popular email services below.


▼Yahoo Mail


Add us to your safe senders list

If you have restrictions in place regarding emails you can receive, it's possible that our automatic emails may still not get through.
Please be sure to add [] to your safe senders list.

If you are still not receiving Otsukai's automatic emails, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support center.
Contact the Otsukai Support Team here