
Direct Requests

Direct Requests

What is a Direct Request?

A Direct Request is a request which you have made directly to a specific Friend. The Friend you specify will receive a notification when you make the Request, and the Request will only be visible to you and that particular Friend.

When should I make a Direct Request?

Direct Requests are most useful when

You want a certain Friend to fulfil your Request, or you only want that particular Friend to be able to see the Request.

You are in the middle of an Errand and want to give additional payment in order to upgrade shipping.

Please note that making a direct request does not guarantee you an offer from the specified Friend.

How do I make a Direct Request?

There are two places you can make a Direct Request.

1) On the user page of the Friend you want to specify

2) On an offer page made the Friend you want to specify

3) On the Request page of any Requests you have made which have already been fulfilled by the Friend you want to specify

You cannot turn a pre-existing open Request into a Direct Request
You can search for the Friend using our User search feature.

How can I check my Direct Requests?

You can check your Requests at any time by going to My Page and My Requests. Direct Requests will be indicated by a blue ‘Direct’ box on the Request thumbnail.

How do I remove a Direct Request?

You cannot remove or change which Friend a Direct Request has been made to. If you would like to make your Request open to all Friends, please remove your Request and make a new one.

I can't make a Direct Request to a certain user

The Friend in question may not be accepting Direct Requests from you or other users. Please instead make a Request that is open to all Friends, or a Direct Request to a different user.